"Virtual Storytelling Conference:

Storytelling in a World Shaped by Coronavirus-19"


This was a 24-hour Conference (via Zoom).

16th to 17th May 2020.


Links to recordings of some of the

Conference's 18 events are here.





The Conference started on

Saturday 16th May 2020

at 9am Eastern USA time /

6:30pm India time.

https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com )


Conference Schedule


Conference Poster


Here are links to

Greetings to the Conference --

In written form, and as video recordings

of talks and tellings.




This is a free event.  It is being presented as a

Public Service in this challenging moment.


One could attend as much of the Conference as

one might like.


To register, please send an email -- containing

your name (first name, and second name or an initial)

and city (or general location) -- to the Conference

email ID:





This Virtual Storytelling Conference

is presented by

the World Storytelling Institute (Chennai),

in association with

the National Storytelling Network (USA),

the Bangalore Storytelling Society,

Kathalaya (Bangalore),

the Chennai Storytelling Association,

the Indian Storytelling Network,

the Storytelling Education and Arts India Council,

and other organisations and individuals




One purpose of this Conference is to

demonstrate how videoconferencing,

together with various forms of storytelling,

could be used for conversation, teaching-

and-learning, performing-and-observing,

and communicating in general -- in warm,

effective, emotionally-satisfying, and

intellectually-stimulating ways.




All of the Conference Storytellers --

and of course all of the Conference

Workshop leaders -- are available

to teach/train regarding aspects of

storytelling via videoconference.


For details, please contact the

individual directly.




Thank you!


- Eric,


Dr Eric Miller, Conference director,

Chennai (on India's southeast coast)


Conference website:             



Conference email ID: 





This webpage was last updated on 21 May 2020


